Febuxostat 40 mg
Pack : 1 x 10 Tablets Alu-Alu Pack



Febuwin 40 mg Tablets

 Febuxostat 40 mg
 1 x 10 Tablets (Alu-Alu Pack)

  • Hyperuricaemia
  • Acute & Chronic Manifestations of Gout
 1 Tablet once daily or as directed by Physician

Product Description – 

It is used to treat and prevent gout. Gout happens when there is too much uric acid in your body and it forms into crystals that can appear around your joints leading to painful and swollen joints. This medicine helps to keep uric acid levels low.

Work Mechanism :

It is xanthine oxidase inhibitor. It works by decreasing blood uric acid, which is the chemical that causes gout.

Also Available

Febuwin 80 mg Tablets

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