Piracetam 400 mg & Citicoline 500 mg / 5 ml
Pack : 100 ml Bottle with Measuring Cap in Mono Carton



Geocetam-CT Syrup

 Piracetam 400 mg & Citicoline 500 mg / 5 ml
 Nootropics | Neurotonics
 100 ml Bottle with Measuring Cap in Mono Carton

  • Aphasia (Speech Impairment) After Stroke Neuro-Degenerative Disorders
  • Head Trauma
  • Stroke
  • Ischemic Stroke
 50 mg/kg in 3 divided doses as directed by Physician

Product Description :

Citicoline + Piracetam is used in the treatment of stroke.

Work Mechanism :

Citicoline is a nerve-protecting medicine. It works on the brain by nourishing the nerve cells, protecting them from damage, and improving their survival. Piracetam is a GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) analog. It works by protecting the brain and nervous system against shortness of oxygen and also affects various ion channels on nerve cell membranes.

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